CustomAction VM_InstallJRE returned actual error code 1624

vCenter Server 5.5 Update 2e contains fix of Storage Monitor Service. It’s also a stable version since 5.5 Update 1. I got a problem when I upgraded my development vCenter Server last weekend. I’d like to share the solution since VMware doesn’t document that problem. (Maybe I didn’t find it. :-)) It’s kind tricky.

vCenter Server 5.5 Update 2e包含SMS服务的bug修复,它也是当前比较稳定的版本。上周我在升级vCenter Server到这个版本时遇到了一个问题。此问题不是那么容易修复因为VMware的KB并没有提供解决方案,我在这里把我的方法共享出来。

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