• 科技的发展真是非常快,十年前我还在用Windows Server 2003 和 Windows XP。十年后的今天,我们已经初尝到人工智能的味道。有那么多的Apps、网站、技术帮助我们更快速的学习新知识,人们的生活节奏越来越快,甚至学习这个人类的基本技能也在传统方式上增加了“碎片时间”方式(一个被“逻辑思维”所倡导的,2017年很流行的学习新方式)。 各种高科技的今天,我们可以用智能手机记录生活中的点点滴滴,甚至影像资料。但是“思想”,这个人类智力的核心却是无法记录的,唯文字可以反映作者当时的状态、情绪和记忆。在快节奏的城市生活中,我们有时候是需要慢下来、停下来的。回头看看自己的过去,读读当时的思想,回忆回忆曾经的记忆。很久前网络上开始流行一句话,大意是“别走得太快,等一等灵魂”(可能是假的名人名言)。我想也许文字可以做到这点。 这个国庆假期,利用空闲时间在网络上搜索搭建SS服务器的资料,无意间看到逗比根据地上的一篇文章介绍一个给互联网上所有网站做历史快照的网站,就随手搜了搜我的过去,竟然无意间发现了自己十几年前写的博客。这些文章早已被我遗留在互联网的某个角落,忘记了。看起来那应该是我从MSN Live空间搬过去的,还依稀记得2000年那会儿博客非常火爆,互联网企业都在推各自的免费博客服务,微软也不例外,但是后来好像因为这种服务不赚钱,以及监管原因,大量的博客服务开始关停,微软也不例外。幸好我当时把文章都转移了,今天才有机会帮我回忆起当时的状态。 非常高兴我可以重读当年的心力路程,让我再次如身临其境般的回到那个时代、回到那个状态。我会尝试花一些时间记录生活,给我的未来留下些参考。

  • I used to see memory degrading on  Cisco  UCS blades. But less see on HPE blades. I thought it maybe quality control problem of Cisco manufacture. Today I read two articles in Cisco website, it explains why we see memory degrading and how it works. I attached the articles below. Managing Correctable Memory Errors on…

  • DBA team told me Oracle was running slow on a HPE server. I observed the CPU utilization was about 50% of overall capacity. Whenever Oracle database bumps up the system experienced slowness. Further  digged into the issue, I see Oracle workload only ran on single physical processor, but the server has two processors. And the …

  • Just a quick post. When virtual machine cannot get DHCP IP address the first thing you want to check is firewall. Whatever Windows firewall or physical firewall. You should make sure UDP port 67 and 68 are not blocked. Otherwise you  will see the virtual machine gets 169.x.x.x IP address only. The two  ports is…

  • 使用vSphere Client登录vCenter Server 6.0时可能会出现如下报错信息: Login to the query service failed. The server could not interpret the communication from the client. (The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.) 这是因为在登录vSphere Client时勾选了”Use Windows session credentials“。试试取消它。 相关知识库链接:Searching the Inventory with the vSphere Client fails (2143566)

  • You may see following problem if you login vCenter  Server 6.0 by vSphere Client: Login to the query service failed. The server could not interpret the communication from the client. (The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.) That’s because “Use Windows session credentials” checkbox is selected. Deselect it and give it a…

  • Just a quick post. When virtual machine cannot get DHCP IP address the first thing you want to check is firewall. Whatever Windows firewall or physical firewall. You should make sure UDP port 67 and 68 are not blocked. Otherwise you  will see the virtual machine gets 169.x.x.x IP address only. The two  ports is…

  • You may see ‘Adobe Flash Player Out of Date’ on Chrome when you open vSphere Web Client. Click the text Chrome will update Flash Player automatically. But in some cases it doesn’t work due to maybe your Chrome is controlled by company policy or internet problem to Adobe.com. I found an article to show how…

  • Slight network latency may cause application problem  on sensitive virtual machines. Even the network responding time is just 3 or 7 ms. There is a way to improve the  stability of responding latency – Enable RSS on NIC. Network traffic is handled by single CPU core when RSS is disabled. Enable it will distribute the…

  • If your company implemented firewall and blocked public NTP server, you may see installation of vRealize Operation Manager pending on ./install.sh on console. That’s because the installer tries to negotiate with NTP server www.iana.org. The firewall blocked the traffic. VMware TAM Manager Shan told me  there are two options on firewall to block traffic: REJECT…