The smartd service can leads to ESXi 6.0 or 6.5 hosts no responding due to out of memory. I see that issue on ESXi 6.0 U2 and U3 both. I would recommend stay on ESXi 5.5 U3 at this moment. We do see the issue persist even after stop smartd service. Check out VMware official…
in ESXi
Just noticed a gap here. If your ESXi host is 5.5 Update 2 or earlier version, you are not able to choose ‘Windows Server 2016’ as operating system when you create virtual machine. It’s addressed in KB https://kb.vmware.com/kb/2132789.
There is a KB describes how to fix right click issue in IE on vSphere Web Client. But my problem was in Chrome. I searched a lot in internet but no lucky till today. The problem was flash menu appears when I right click anything in vSphere Web Client in Chrome. I have two computers…
I own Raspberry Pi 1 and 2 both. I used to do some small projects and learn Python on its. It’s great computer to learn scripting and Linux. But not something can be used in daily based. I was excited when I hear Raspberry Pi foundation released Pi 3. Thanks foundation brought our world a…
in raspberry pi
VDP在未来的vSphere版本中将不再继续更新。在2022年以前对于现有的VDP客户没有影响。如果客户想迁移到其他备份方案,VMware提供限定时间内的免费迁移至Dell EMC Avamar Virtual Edition的促销。客户依旧可以通过vCenter的存储API把第三方备份解决方案和vCenter整合。 详细资料请参阅问答文件。另外VMware产品生命周期矩阵供你参考。
Just a quick update that VDP will discontinued in future release of vSphere. It doesn`t impact to existing customers till 2022. VMware offers free migration to Dell EMC Avamar Virtual Edition in limited time if customers want to move to other backup solution. Customers can also use other 3rd party backup solutions to integrate with vCenter…
Just noticed a issue that nothing reported in ‘Hardware Status‘ tab of ESXi hosts in vSphere Web Client. KB 2112847 gives a solution but not works for me. The feature can be used to monitor hardware failures. I figured out a way to workaround it. You just need to login by Administrator account and click…
最近迷恋于罗胖的“得到App“订阅专栏和其中的各种有声图书,罗胖说他的公司要做信息提供商,又说在信息大爆炸的时代一个有价值的服务就是帮人甄选好信息。这让我思考一个问题:微信公众平台究竟是否适合数据中心领域的纯技术文章? 我觉得要先定义什么是“纯技术文章”。我的理解是细致的讲解操作过程、实现原理以至于这篇文章可以当作操作步骤在实际工作中使用的文章。这也是我写这篇文章的前提限定条件。我的思考如下: 首先数据中心领域的纯技术的文章有时需要用较复杂的形式和较长的篇幅来表达,微信公众平台暂时还不具备这个功能,这个可以比较一下微信公众平台和WordPress的文章编辑器功能。 其次从用户的角度来考虑,当一个供职于数据中心的IT Pros遇到问题时,第一时间应该会想到的是搜索引擎,而不是相对封闭、搜索能力较差的微信公众平台。我一直认为微信是在中国特色信息化政策下的特定产物,信息在流动,但又相对于其他社交产品更加孤岛化。 再者从实用性来看,微信生来就带着移动互联网特性,甚至PC端也是很久以后才有的。而数据中心的IT Pros在工作中还是用PC多过用移动终端的,日常业务中的复制粘贴可能用的很多,微信在这方面总感觉弱一些。 最后从目标用户来看,个人理解是一个重社交的平台,聚集的人群并不是大量的专业用户。而IT专业用户可能也没多少时间看微信、朋友圈、订阅号等。而作为一个公众号能提供的大量纯技术领域专业文章一定是单一方面的,对于普通订阅者来说,很容易产生倦怠。 基于以上这几个思考,我认为这个平台暂时还是不适合作为IT Pro的专业文章发布平台,倒是更适合比较泛泛的介绍功能、原理、架构、思路等的文章。你觉得呢?
You may see following error when you scanning ESXi hosts by vCenter Update Manager. Host cannot download files from VMware vSphere Update Manager patch store. Check the network connectivity and firewall setup, and check esxupdate logs for details. You also see similar logs in /var/log/esxupdate.log. [Errno -2] Name or service not known The root cause…
Virtual appliance is future of how VMware delivery their product to customers. It’s pain to migrate from vCenter Server Windows version to virtual appliance. The only way was build up new virtual appliance and move everything out of Windows vCenter Server. The challenge is you lost data if you have integrated vCenter Server with other VMware…