Best practices to manage enterprise Active Directory is organizing servers by particular properties. For example, servers maybe put into different OU by role, business group or function…etc. Following is a vRO workflow sample to automate provisioning computers in proper OUs according to user choice in vRA Service Catalog. I’ll just give brief of each step…
当创建虚拟机的时候你可能需要将虚拟机根据不同的属性放入不同的OU中,比如根据角色、组、用户组等。在vRealize Automation Center (vRA)中可以很轻易地创建一个下拉菜单实现这类属性的选择,但是这类属性的值往往都以字符串的形式传递到vRO中,而vRO的活动目录工作流中并没有提供字符串转OU对象的功能。
When you put virtual machine to particular OU, you may refer to virtual machine properties, such as ‘server role’, ‘server group’ or ‘user group’…etc. It’s easy to set a drop-list in blueprint of vRealize Automation Center (vRA) to let users choose this kind of properties but hard to create a computer account in corresponded OU location in…
One day, my vCenter Server suddenly lost search. It popped me “Unable to connect to web services to execute query. Verify that the ‘VMware VirtualCenter Management Webservices’ service is running on https://vCenter_Server_FQDN:10443” when I did object search on vSphere Client. Few hours later people starting complaint they got error on vSphere Web Client, it show…
今天在vRealize Operation Manager 6.0创建了几个super metric,主要用来计算ESXi主机的物理链路吞吐量。结果发现这些super metric只是出现在部分主机里。估计是有什么bug。快速解决的办法是重启一下vROps vApp。
Today I created few super metrics on vRealize Operation Manager 6.0 to calculate throughput of physical links on ESXi host. The super metrics just present to part of the selected hosts. I guess it’s some kind of minor bug. A reboot of vROps vApp can works around it. Just heads up.
I don’t know why VMware doesn’t allow hidden default dashboards in VMware design vRealize Operation Manager (vROps). They also states no solution in current version. I searched internet, only thing I found was a community post that someone wants to delete the dashboards, but no proper answer.
in vROps
不知道VMware在设计vRealize Operation Manager (vROps)时是怎么想的,默认的仪表板竟然无法移除。官方也明确表示暂时没有办法。在网上搜了一下,唯一有一篇论坛的帖子提到这个问题,但也没有一个解决方案。
in vROps
微软刚刚发布了Windows Server 2016的技术预览3。新版本中有很多增强,看起来微软的软件定义的数据中心正在赶上VMware。一个稳定的虚拟层是软件定义数据中心的前提,但这是微 软的软肋。你不得不不停地打各种补丁和重启服务器,甚至有些企业有定期的重启计划。微软在Windows Server 2008 的时候引入了核心模式并且在Windows Server 2012 R2中得到增强。但是Windows Server 2012 R2瞄准的是中小企业市场,我不认为他们会使用核心模式,因为复杂度要提升很多。
First of all, this article is nothing related to PowerCLI. You probably know how to set Path Selection Policy (PSP) by vSphere Client, but how you can set up 100 LUNs manually? We have some script can make your life easy.