NetApp Virtual Storage Console is my favorite to manage and backup data on NetApp attached ESXi host, there is lot of benefits to secure VM data more efficient. The installation is pretty simple, and very less resource it requires, you can even install it on a multi-role virtual machine. But the first headache maybe the…
大约在10年前,我参加过一个CCNA的培训,认识了当时给我们上课的老师——杨佳,那时候他已经是CCIE了。说到CCIE、CCNA,就要先说说Cisco(思科)了。网络是通过路由器、交换机连接在一起的,这个地球上60%以上路由器、交换机是思科制造,可以这么说,思科创造并提供着网络世界。CCIE是思科公司产品专家的最高级别认证,每年只有很少的人可以通过这个考试,因为考试内容几乎全部是上机实战,很少一选择填空,而且是全英文的,一旦拿到CCIE意味着你掌握了非常丰富的网络知识,可以真的称得上网络专家了。我的老师杨佳就是其中一名。 Today, I’m in company shutdown, have few spare time. I read his blog http://www.yangjia.org/, pretty interesting, look at his colorful life, come back to my life. That’s too much different! I admit single life is different with marriaged life, but that’s the life, the freedom I wanna to be! At least, I need some…
in 生活
It’s be a while. Provisioning, formatting, and re-provisioning. Compare each Linux distribution, finally I decide to use Debian, since my Raspberry Pi official image also base upon Debian. I also registered this brand new domain to re-start my blog life. 都不知道是第几次Hello world了,这次一定要开始了,先把之前在Wordpres的文章搬过来再说!
in 生活
On today’s troubleshooting, I faced a very weird problem. vCenter Server services were up and running fine, it’s able to connect by vSphere client, but VMs, hosts show gray, and I cannot power on VM via PowerCLI. After went through each components of vCenter Server, I noticed the database size was 230GB, but only ~20…
Many company use service account for vCenter Server database and services. To compliance with security policy, you may need to change password of vCenter Server at regular period. This is a way I used to change password: 1. Change the password of service account of vCenter Server and database in AD. 2. Change the password…
If you are using EMC VNX with ESXi 5.1, you may experience low performance when do storage vMotion or VM clone. This is a known issue on VNX, you have to disable VAAI feature to avoid this problem.
Sometimes VM may show unknown, invalid or orphan on vCenter Server, but it still running somewhere. Some technical support engineer may request reboot VM/ESXi host, or search on each host one by one. Declare: This article only apply to ESXi 5.1, I haven’t tested on other version. This is easiest way to find out which…
It’s been a month, i was busy to make our environment more stable, a lot of troubleshooting, webex session and discussing. Few days ago I noticed random VMs kept vMotion constantly. Some VMs got strange situation, show orphan, invalid or unknown status, but still online. I couldn’t find any evidence why the VMs went to…
Virtualization becomes popular than never this year, I see many company is transforming internal infrastructure into virtual platform. HA is key feature of vSphere ESXi 5.1, you have to consider this part on every design, especially DMZ virtual machine. Most DMZ ESXi cluster has restricted networking policy, even ICMP maybe not allowed. As you may…
We get more new cool feature if keep virtual hardware up to date. And you may face boot problem when upgrade lower virtual hardware version to latest. I always keep my Microsoft Cluster Services VM (MSCS VM) up to date since RDM disk usually uses on that kind of VMs. I tried to search how…