Tag: Automation
Homebrew Installed Jenkins on MacOS Sequoia Cannot be Accessed From External
I recently installed Jenkins 2.479.2 on MacOS Sequoia (15.1). The service is working fine on http://localhost:8080, but it can not be accessed from any other devices at my home. This post provided solutions to fix that issue. Here is a summary:
Fixing Motor Unresponsiveness on Raspberry Pi Due to Grounding
Discover the practical insights into solving grounding issues when interfacing a motor driver board with a Raspberry Pi.
Fixing ‘KDC Reply Did Not Match Expectations’ Error in Ansible for Windows Server
When you connect to a Windows server with Ansible, you may see the error message “KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials”. One possible reason is that the domain name that you used in the Ansible playbook command line doesn’t match the domain name that is configured in the Linux krb5.conf. The…
Terraform Cloud – How to List All Users
Terraform Cloud has a rich API. However, the API documentation does not mention how to list all users. We can leverage the organization membership API and the PowerShell command Invoke-RestMethod to get a user list.
Connect-NsxtServer shows “Unable to connect to the remote server”
When you run Connect-NsxtServer in the PowerCLI, it may show “Unable to connect to the remote server“. Because the error message is a little bit confusing with other login issues. It’s not easy to troubleshoot. The actual reason is the NSX-T uses a self-signed certificate, and the PowerCLI cannot accept the certificate automatically. The fix…
Move Terraform Providers to Other Folders
Create a new control file with the name .terraformrc or terraform.rc in your profile folder. Add the following lines: Create the folder .terraform.d/plugin-cache in your profile folder. The providers will be downloaded to the cache folder when you run terraform init. If you don’t want to create the control file in the profile folder. Alternative…
Setup Terraform and Ansible for Windows provisionon CentOS
Provisioning Windows machines with Terraform is easy. Configuring Windows machines with Ansible is also not complex. However, it’s a little bit challenging to combine them. The following steps are some ideas about handling a Windows machine from provisioning to post configuration without modifying the winrm configuration on the guest operating system.
Quick Note: Modify PowerShell Execution Policy in Registry
Firms usually leverage Active Directory Group Policy to control security settings on Windows. PowerShell execution policy is the one most company ITs would restrict.
How to Manage Windows Servers With Ansible on CentOS 8
This article will focus on the quick configuration in the lab environment to get Ansible ready for Windows automation.
[Quick Note] Failed to install pywinrm on CentOS 8
in AutomationYou may see error message “Running setup.py install for pykerberos … error” when install pywinrm on CentOS 8. The additional errors are “unable to execute ‘gcc’: No such file or directory” and “command ‘gcc’ failed with exit status 1“. The reason because gcc dependence is missing on the machine. You need to run following command…