Tag: VM

  • Enable Windows Update on SCCM Managed Computer

    Computer cannot contact Microsoft update service to upgrade latest patches if it’s managed by SCCM policy. Sometimes we may need to keep latest patch for testing, security or other purpose, such as when you create a golden image, you always want to keep the system up to date.

  • Maximum Supported Boot Devices in Virtual Machine BIOS

    Noticed a interesting limitation on VMware virtual machines. If you configure multiple SCSI controllers and distribute more than  8 virtual  disks. You may experience randomly OS boot up failure when power cycle VMs. Only last 8 disks with higher SCSI ID present in boot order settings of BIOS. You cannot choose the disks with lower…

  • Report snapshots older than X days in vROps

    There are several ways to reporting snapshots. You can use PowerCLI, VRTools, or even vSphere Client itself. Today I will show you how to reporting by vRealize Operations Manager (vROps) 6.x. The benefit of  vROps reports is you can schedule it by sending email with PDF & CSV reports. I found a post discuss how to…

  • How to Automate Snapshot on Virtual Machine

    I always treat virtual machine snapshots like a big risk. It caused several outages in our infrastructure. Please check out Best practices for virtual machine snapshots in the VMware to understand how it impacts production. 虚拟机快照对我来说绝对是个大威胁,已经在我的生产环境里发生过好几次由此引发的故障了。如果你要了解快照对生产环境的影响可以看看:Best practices for virtual machine snapshots in the VMware

  • Device or Resource Busy

    You may read my post How to find which ESXi 5.1 host lock the VM, it’s a solution to figure out which host lock down a file. But sometimes you may face similar problem but different solution. You are able to browse the file by CLI or GUI, but cannot delete by either way. It returns…

  • Virtual Machine Disappeared on vCenter Inventory

    Just googled this issue, some of people got similar problem, following was my problem and solution, hope it’s useful for you. Virtual machine maybe lost on vCenter Server inventory for some reason, it’s also disappeared on ESXi inventory when you connect to the individual host directly. You are able to find the VM process by esxcli…

  • Error 12711 VMM cannot complete the WMI operation on the server because of an error

    Finally I implemented Hyper-V 2012 and SCVMM 2012 R2 on my lab, unfortunately FreeNAS does not supports SCSI-3 persistent reservation of Windows Server 2012 R2, you can refer bug #4003. It lead to my iSCSI storage cannot be brought online in Failover Cluster. I have to find out alternative. I decided to use Windows Server…

  • How to Configure Serial Console for VM by Avocent ACS v6000 Virtual Advanced Console Server

    Serials console is very helpful to troubleshooting Linux problem, you can see additional system message via serial console if your Linux server hung. It is essential component on physical server for troubleshooting. It’s challenge to manage serial consoles if your datacenter is very big. You may deploy console server for central management of serial consoles,…

  • Unable to load status of objects in vCenter Server 5.1

    On today’s troubleshooting, I faced a very weird problem. vCenter Server services were up and running fine, it’s able to connect by vSphere client, but VMs, hosts show gray, and I cannot power on VM via PowerCLI. After went through each components of vCenter Server, I noticed the database size was 230GB, but only ~20…

  • How to Upgrade Virtual Hardware on MSCS VM

    We get more new cool feature if keep virtual hardware up to date. And you may face boot problem when upgrade lower virtual hardware version to latest. I always keep my Microsoft Cluster Services VM (MSCS VM) up to date since RDM disk usually uses on that kind of VMs. I tried to search how…