Report snapshots older than X days in vROps

There are several ways to reporting snapshots. You can use PowerCLI, VRTools, or even vSphere Client itself. Today I will show you how to reporting by vRealize Operations Manager (vROps) 6.x. The benefit of  vROps reports is you can schedule it by sending email with PDF & CSV reports. I found a post discuss how to reports by vROps. But it requests modify policy, it may impacts global calculation. What if your teams request different criteria for reports?

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How to Automate Snapshot on Virtual Machine

I always treat virtual machine snapshots like a big risk. It caused several outages in our infrastructure. Please check out Best practices for virtual machine snapshots in the VMware to understand how it impacts production.

虚拟机快照对我来说绝对是个大威胁,已经在我的生产环境里发生过好几次由此引发的故障了。如果你要了解快照对生产环境的影响可以看看:Best practices for virtual machine snapshots in the VMware

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How to remove multiple snapshot by PowerCLI

My SMVI backup job was crashed few days ago, the stupid application generated a lot of snapshots for virtual machine!!! It’s  hundred!

I really don’t like to remove one by one! That’s what I used to clean up the snapshot.

Get-VM | Get-Snapshot -Name smvi* | Remove-Snapshot

I used wildcard smiv*, it means all snapshot that name start with smvi.