Tag: vSphere

  • “Session data container is missing. It must’ve been destroyed, probably due to logout”

    Quick post. You may see “Session data container is missing. It must’ve been destroyed, probably due to logout.” after rebooting a new joined domain vCenter PSC server. It usually occurs when you login to PSC web client. The reason is stale cookies on client browser. Clean up cookies will fix the issue.

  • NetApp Virtual Storage Console Icon Missing on vSphere Web Client

    NetApp released Virtual Storage Console (VSC) 6.1 for vCenter 6.0. The solution is only support vSphere Web Client now. I did some testing on my lab, faced a very special case.

  • NetApp Virtual Storage Console图标在vSphere Web Client中消失

    NetApp发布了Virtual Storage Console (VSC) 6.1 对应 vCenter 6.0。这个产品现在只支持vSphere Web Client了。我在实验环境下做了一些测试,遇到一个非常特殊的案例。

  • vRealize Opertion Manager 6之NetApp存储性能监控组件介绍

    vRealize Operation Manager 6 (又叫vROps)是vCenter Operation Manager的全新版本,我从vCenter Operation Manager还是1.0时就开始使用了,很喜欢自我学习和动态阀值这两个功能。但是这款产品只能监控虚拟层面,如果可以监控存储层面就完美了。在比较大的vSphere环境中虚拟机是共享ESXi数据存储(datastore)的,如果少数虚拟机产生很高的IO,可能会影响到其他处于同一个存储上的虚拟机。想象一下,如果你有100个LUN跑在一个NetApp存储上,300个虚拟机在使用这100个LUN,某日用户说他们的虚拟机很慢,但是他们并没有跑什么应用,这时候就会比较难判断到底是哪儿出了问题,因为虚拟机可能共享同一个数据存储(datastore),数据存储存建于LUN上,LUN 可能来自某个聚合(Aggregate),并且多个LUN可能来自同一个物理磁盘。vCenter Operation Manager 在5.x时代有提供一款NetApp存储监控组件,但问题是很难把vSphere的数据存储(Datastore)和NetApp存储的设备关联起来。

  • NetApp Management Package for vRealize Operation Manager 6

    vRealize Operation Manager 6 (aka vROps) is new generation of vCenter Operation Manager. I started to use vCenter Operation Manager since version 1.0. I like the idea of self-learning and dynamic threshold. But the product only monitors virtualization layer. It would be perfect if it’s able to monitor under layer storage. In large vSphere environment,…

  • vRealize Automation 7 初始设置

    vRealize Automation 7 (vRA 7)和vRA6比起来有很多增强和改进。网上有大量的文章介绍这方面以及安装方法。vRA7的初始设置和vRA6有很大不同。以下是我的一些经验,可以帮你快速搭建实验环境。

  • Cannot open vSphere Web Client on IE11 on Windows 8.1

    Tips: You may see that error message “To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version 11.5.0 or greater is installed. ” when you open vSphere Web Client 6.0 on IE 11 on Windows 8.1. The login fields still visible, but the page go to blank after you login.

  • How to change password of vCenter Server service account

    Many company use service account for vCenter Server database and services. To compliance with security policy, you may need to change password of vCenter Server at regular period. This is a way I used to change password: 1. Change the password of service account of vCenter Server and database in AD. 2. Change the password…

  • ESXi 5.1 shows 0 value for CPU/memory in vcenter

    It’s been a month, i was busy to make our environment more stable, a lot of troubleshooting, webex session and discussing. Few days ago I noticed random VMs kept vMotion constantly. Some VMs got strange situation, show orphan, invalid or unknown status, but still online. I couldn’t find any evidence why the VMs went to…

  • HP patching error after upgrade to Update Manager 5.1

    If you installed “HP ESXi 5.0 Complete Bundle Update 1.6” via Update Manager 5.0, you would be able to see storage and power sub-system shows warning on HP server, that’s because some parameters show NULL in updated HP SIM provider. Example: HPVC_SAController.Name=”vmwControllerHPSA1″,CreationClassName=”HPVC_SAController” CreationClassName = HPVC_SAController Name = vmwControllerHPSA1 PowerManagementCapabilities = (NULL) ResetCapability = (NULL) OtherDedicatedDescriptions…