Google AdSense available on my blog

About one month ago, I requested Google AdSense for my blog, I almost forgot that request due to the busy life. My friend Saju told me his IT blog has Google AdSense, that’s reminded me I have a pending AdSense. It was blank after I set it up in my blog, Today morning it’s finally show ADs…that’s not a relative of money, it’s just part of IT blog. lol

Still in memory, my first Google AdSense check was 10 years ago, I still remember it’s $200, my friend and me was so exciting when we known the check arrived China, that’s first time I made USD, probably first time saw how USD looks like. 🙂 Google AdSense…it brought back memories, it’s tough time for me in my life, but I still want to thanks my family, my friends and everyone who supported me.
