I wrote an article to introducing how to integrate PowerCLI with PowerShell and PowerShell ISE. VMware just released PowerCLI 6.5 R1, it includes lot of new features and modules. And somehow my way doesn’t work. Following is new way to integrate PowerCLI 6.5 with PowerShell and PowerShell ISE in Windows 10. PowerShell and PowerShell ISE…
本年度VMworld重回拉斯维加斯,相比旧金山各方面都要好很多,参会这几天有不少乐趣。技术层面,本年度vmworld主要聚焦于用户端统一管理、公有云、以及vmware自家的“超融合软件”。 第一天的主题演讲回顾了近十几年来传统IT、私有云、公有云的增长趋势,这里有个很有意思的地方。我一直以为IT的转变方式应该是从传统到私有,最终到公有的。但是从演讲看,私有云和公有云占有率同时保持增长,公有云甚至一直比私有云要高一些。但直到今年云的占有率依旧不敌传统IT架构,这还是在国际大公司接近80%虚拟化的现状下。演讲中还提出了一个观点——数字化商业。今天,企业都在追求创新、高效的商业,IT已经不像过去仅仅支持企业内部的信息系统,而是引导企业走向何方,IT更加紧密的和商业结合在一起,很难想象一家没有技术驱动的企业可以高效的与客户沟通和分析数据、快速的对市场做出反应、自动化的生产经营。第二天的主题演讲介绍了一些用户层面的新解决方案,由于本人不关注该层面,没有太多了解。
新的B200 M4刀片服务器可以使用最新的英特尔四代处理器,如果ucsm固件版本低于2.2.7c会导致发现失败。前几天装一台M4时候就遇到这个问题了。FSM在58%阶段很久然后失败了。
New B200 M4 blades can running on Intel v4 processors. You may see discovery issue if your UCSM firmware version lower than 2.2.7c. I hit that problem few days ago when I install a new M4 blade. The FSM hung on 58% a real long time and failed eventually.
Found this link on Microsoft website. Just want to make a notes on my blog. Thanks community!
If you have VMware Workstation and VMware Remote Console both installed on Windows 10 you may see vCenter virtual machine console in vSphere Web Client is opened by VMware Workstation instead of VMware Remote Console. If you see same case your VMware Remote Console may be hijacked. I call it “hijack” since there is no easy…
如果你的Windows 10电脑上装了VMware Workstation和VMware Remote Console,当你在vSphere Web Client里打开运行在vCenter上的虚拟机控制台时,VMware Workstation可能会代替VMware Remote Console自动连接到控制台。恭喜!你的VMware Remote Console被劫持了。这个问题解决起来比较复杂所以我叫它“劫持”。
用vSphere Web Client打开虚拟机的控制台时可以会遇到报错 “Unable to connect to MKS: Could not locate vmware-authd executable“。
in ESXi
You may get error “Unable to connect to MKS: Could not locate vmware-authd executable” when open virtual machine console in vSphere Web Client.
in ESXi