首先,这篇文章不是关于PowerCLI的。也许你知道用vSphere Client可以设置LUN的路径选择策略,但是如果需要修改100个LUN呢?脚本可以轻松搞定。
You almost can do everything as long as vRealize Automation Center (aka vRA) and vRealize Orchestrator (aka vRO) are integrated. I think that’s the hard part if you are newbie like me. After reading lot of articles, I learned how it works. Following is my experience, please let me know if you see anything wrong.…
It’s frustration to check RDM information, you have to check across all ESXi hosts to make sure configuration is aligned. I just figured out two line commands to get path selection policy (aka PSP).
Microsoft just released technical preview 3 of Windows Server 2016, it’s catching up VMware on SDDC. I can see a lot of enhancement in the new version. A stable hypervisor is prerequisite of SDDC but it’s weakness of Microsoft. You have to patch and reboot frequently, some organizations even have regular reboot schedules. Microsoft introduced…
ESXi 5.5 Update 2 is stable version, but I got PSOD on one UCS blade few days ago. It scared me since there was a big bug when I upgraded ESXi from 5.1 to 5.5 Update 1 last year(See detail ESXi 5.5 and Emulex OneConnect 10Gb NIC), it lead to dozen virtual machines crashed over…
in Hardware
The title looks scared, is it? Actually I don’t want to talk about any problem of VMware product but just a feature. 标题看起来吓人吧?其实这次打算只谈谈功能。
I always treat virtual machine snapshots like a big risk. It caused several outages in our infrastructure. Please check out Best practices for virtual machine snapshots in the VMware to understand how it impacts production. 虚拟机快照对我来说绝对是个大威胁,已经在我的生产环境里发生过好几次由此引发的故障了。如果你要了解快照对生产环境的影响可以看看:Best practices for virtual machine snapshots in the VMware
Someone setup a non-secure wifi around my apartment, I never connected it till yesterday since I worried it’s may be a honeypot. I had some me time yesterday night, so I setup a virtual machine to connect the wifi.
I wrote a post about how to integrate PowerCLI with PowerShell manually. I rebuilt my computer few days ago, need to integrate PowerCLI again. I used to scripting by PowerGUI, but something always lead to PowerGUI lost menu, it frustrated me a long time. I cannot figured out what’s the root cause. So I wondered…