• You probably will see similar issue below if you upgrade vCenter Server from 5.x to 5.5. vSphere Client show following error when login to vCenter Server by domain account. The vSphere Client could not connect to vCenter server. The server vCenter server took too long to respond. (The command has timed out as the remote…

  • Some people say China government blocked Google. But I think it’s not blocked. Chinese user is suffering a extremely slow access speed to Google websites actually. I guess China government reduced bandwidth to Google since I can access Google.com in my late night time.

  • Few days ago, VMware sent an email notification to me that my blog was award to vExpert 2014. I would thanks Sean’s reference and suggestion. I’m very glad to hear that news! It encourage me continue contribute to virtualization community, share my experience with people. Here is the link lists my name and Twitter account.…

  • Some critical VMs got blue screen in last few weeks. After working with OS and hardware vendor, we figured out the root cause eventually. It’s a CPU problem related to Intel v2 CPU of E3, E5 and E7 families. The detail information is documented in VMware KB Windows 2008 R2 and Solaris 10 64-bit virtual…

  • There is a dash vulnerability on Debian, please following the steps below to check your system:

  • In my post HP Blade Firmware Upgrading Best Practices for ESXi Host I mentioned HP released firmware and drivers by SPP image.  I have set my ESXi 5.5 baseline to SPP2014.06 as I have tested it in my lab environment. Looks like stable.

  • I just found a Cisco KB descripts a firmware issue may impact to ESXi FC storage performance. Please have a look whether your Cisco UCS system firmware is 2.1(2a), 2.1(2c), or 2.1(2d).

  • An enterprise infrastructure administrator needs to run plenty of reports for firmware, software version, or any kind of infrastructure data in their day-to-day operation. Some vendors provide powerful tools to pull out data from their solution, but what if you don’t have such tools? It is pain to get data manually especially for large number…

  • 做为一位Raspberry Pi(树莓派)的新手,面对这个庞大的系统,真心不知道从何下手。在网上搜各种有关Raspberry Pi的信息,发现只有英文文章能比较详尽的介绍怎么使用它,中文的信息要么是从英文翻译过来,不知所云;要么蜻蜓点水一般感觉只有高高手才能看得懂。 我会尝试把我这个新手学到的东西记录在我的博客里,希望对Raspberry Pi中文社区有所贡献。 感觉自己有些技术洁癖,不喜欢系统上被预装各种软件,比如当我打入python时,会提示我有2.7,3.0,3.2三个版本存在于我的系统里!所以我很好奇我的Raspberry Pi上到底已经内置了哪些软件,怎么删除这些不需要的软件。其实这个问题已经困扰我很久了,由于一直使用Windows,对于添加删除程序的概念一直是 规范、整洁、方便。没想到Linux的软件是如此的自由,以至于我根本不知道哪些应该删除,哪些不应该。 幸好现在的Debian发行版本已经内置了很多好的工具帮我解决这个问题!我的Raspberry Pi上安装的是官方推荐的raspbian,这是Debian的衍生版本,几乎所有的命令都和Debian下一致。你可以在Raspberry Pi的下载页面找到这款系统,当然你还可以选择很多其他的系统。 OK,言归正传,说到删除,我们需要先知道系统里都安装了哪些软件,下面这个命令可以检索出系统内的所有软件。 dpkg-query -l | grep 软件名字 dpkg-query 命令 是用于检索安装包的。 -l 参数 表示列出所有的包。 | 管道标识符 表示传递列出的所有包到 管道标识符后边的命令中。 grep 命令 是用于过滤 软件名字 参数 表示你要找的安装包名字 举例, 列出所有名字里含python的安装包: dpkg-query -l | grep python 用上边的方法列出你要找的包后,下一步我需要删除不需要的软件了。 apt-get –purge remove 软件名字 apt-get 命令 是操作软件的命令 –purge 参数 表示将软件相关的配置文件一并删除 remove 参数 表示删除软件 软件名字 参数…

  • This article is for the new users whom just like me! 🙂 I got a Raspberry Pi about half years ago, I’m pretty new in Linux world, so I rebuilt my pi over and over again whenever there was a new release…it takes lot of time to do it. Thanks Safari(a online library for IT…