There are a lot of articles introduce how to deploy vCenter Server virtual appliance on VMware Workstation. I tried but somehow it’s failed. Following are some notes for your reference if you want to deploy vCenter Server virtual appliance on VMware Workstation real quick. I assume you don’t have DNS or domain servers. Native DHCP…
There are several layers of networking on the virtualization infrastructure. Guest operating system, Virtual Machine, ESXi driver, physical network adapters, RJ45/SFP and network switches…etc. Sometimes it’s hard to say where exactly caused a problem. Especially hardware layer problems. Today I worked on a very interesting case, it may give some ideas to troubleshooting network performance…
Just a quick notes. If you use multiple monitors, some are 4K and some are regular resolution, you may see window display issue when move Internet Explorer between these monitors. Follow the KB below to change register to allow Internet Explorer 11 accommodates the monitor solutions. Internet Explorer 11 window display changes between a built-in…
in Windows
When you upgrade or patch vCenter Server 6.0 for Windows, you may see following symptoms: “The older version of cis-upgrade-runner cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group.” Or error code 1063: “Installation of component VMware CIS upgrade runner failed with error code ‘1063’” That means the vCenter Server installer cannot find MSI files of…
You may know there are 3 vulnerabilities recently noticed by industry. Long story to short, kernel address space exposed to hackers when processors running user space code. It’s not only impact to Intel processors but also AMD and ARM. CVE-2017-5715 is a hardware issues that only apply certain firmware can fix the vulnerabilities. CVE-2017-5754 and CVE-2017-5753…
The latest version of VMware Remote Console is 10.0.2. There should be some functions changing in the release. You may see following symptoms after upgrading to the version. The virtual machine console screen is black. Console screen works properly if you just hit buttons on VMware Remote Console window. The console screen freeze once VMware…
If you are using Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 and “Differencing Disk” you may get trouble when you want to move whole VMs to another location due to “Parent Disk” migration is not so easy. Following is the steps to move parent disk on Hyper-V server. Preparation I assume you want to move bunch of virtual machines. First…
Just quick notes. I saw following error when do storage vMotion. Cannot Complete File Creation Operation. When check /var/log/hostd.log. I saw following errors: 2017-11-28T02:51:04.476Z info hostd[76A80B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Vimsvc.TaskManager opID=459515D4-000040D6-2d-cf-d4-7817 user=vpxuser:contosotestuser] Task Created : haTask–vim.host.OperationCleanup 2017-11-28T02:51:04.476Z info hostd[772C2B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=459515D4-000040D6-2d-cf-d4-7817 user=vpxuser:contosotestuser] CopyFromEntry: Hostlog_Dump: Hostlog /vmfs/volumes/598700ee-ec 2017-11-28T02:51:04.476Z info hostd[772C2B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=459515D4-000040D6-2d-cf-d4-7817 user=vpxuser:contosotestuser] UUID: 28dbb1b5-a9d8-e311-1061-03300000002d 2017-11-28T02:51:04.476Z…
I got two exactly same hardware, installed same ESXi version. Somehow cloning from other ESXi to one server was working, but another one always failed at 33%. It only impacts to existing VM cloning but not impact to new created virtual machines. I spent lot time on the troubleshooting. We replaced cables, switch ports, reinstalled…
I searched internet but hard to find an easy way to get used space on Windows Server. Following is two lines PowerShell command to get used space on Windows 2012 R2 Server. Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk | select deviceid,@{n=”Size”;e={[math]::Round(($_.size/1GB),2)}},@{n=”Used Space”;e={[math]::Round((($_.Size-$_.FreeSpace)/1GB),2)}}