VMotion fails with the error: A general system error occurred. Invalid fault

vSphere client pop following error when I put some ESXi 5.0 host to maintenance mode.

A general system error occurred. Invalid fault

That message really no help for troubleshooting, I found a KB article in VMware website, but it’s not my case.

My virtual machines is intact, I can change setting, remove from inventory or power on/off the boxes, so what’s the issue?

I found the following message in hostd.log:

2013-01-18T01:18:10.177Z [39489B90 info 'Default' opID=DDBEEEE7-0000023A-78] File path provided /vmfs/volumes/4fef9740-0b0c0cee-c1a4-e8393521ff62/VM-01 does not exist or underlying datastore is inaccessible: /vmfs/volumes/4fef9740-0b0c0cee-c1a4-e8393521ff62/VM-01

Also found messages in vmware.log:

2013-01-18T01:19:41.966Z| vmx| Migrate_SetFailure: Timed out waiting for migration start request.

The logs indicates ESXi cannot identify the location of VM configuration file, it leads to ESXi don’t know the IP address family of VM and also not able to allocate      memory in target host.

But my datastore is accessible and I can browse content, I think the only reason is ESXi host still use old information of datastore, a re-scan can fix the problem.