Today my co-worker asked me a question about memory spec on ESXi hosts. There are two types of memory, LRDIMM and RDIMM available on hardware vendor’s list. Which one is best choice?
Size value is too long when I grab snapshot size of a VM. It’s something like the screenshots below.
I got a request few weeks ago. Reporting virtual machines that powered off more than 3 days. I didn’t find out-of-box report in vROps can do that. I had to create customized one. Following is how I did.
If you are multi-language IT Pro you may want to show articles in multiple languages just like me. I use Polylang in my blog to switch English and Chinese version. I used to add “Language Switcher” tag in my articles. It’s manual process that I had to remember the tag in somewhere, copy and past…
也许你和我这种挨踢砖家一样奇葩,用多种语言写博客。我的WordPress使用Polylang显示文章的中英文版本。一般我需要在文章里加一个”Language Switcher”标签来显示语言切换。添加这个标签不是那么容易,我得把它记在某个地方,需要的时候复制、粘贴到文章里。在每篇文章里添加这个标记有点儿麻烦。另外,这个标记必须配合”Read More”标记之后使用,如果语言切换标记出现在”Read More”之前会导致首页上出现多个语言切换标记,每个语言切换标记无法知道每篇文章对应的URL是多少。看看我是如何完美解决这个问题的吧…
I just wrote a new post to show you how to create customized report of snapshot older than X days.