Quick Notes: Windows lost network every 20 minutes

You may see a Windows machine lost network connectivity every 20 minutes. Or you may see the Windows machine lost network when you are connecting it via remote desktop protocol (RDP). I wrote an article to discuss virtual machine lost network connectivity problem on Emulex powered ESXi host. You may want to check out if you are running legacy ESXi and HPE hardware.

You may see following error if you check Application event log:

Source: Dot3Svc
Event ID: 15506
Description: Network authentication attempts have been temporarily suspended on this network adapter.

Or following error:

Source: Dot3Svc
Event ID: 15514
Description: Wired 802.1X Authentication failed.

There is a Reason Code in the event logs above. The code could be 327685, 327682, or 327626.

The reason is the Windows machine cannot get authenticated on an authentication enabled network. It could be certification file expired on the machine or server side, or something wrong between its.

Actually you can workaround this issue by disable “Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network” option in Authentication tab in the network adapter Properties.

disable "Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network" option

Please refer to Microsoft official document “advanced troubleshooting 802 authentication” if you want go deeper.

Quick Note: Modify PowerShell Execution Policy in Registry

I think to maintain a solid security policy is mandatory in an enterprise network. The information leak not only a threat to IT but also impact the firm’s profits and stock performance. Firms usually leverage Active Directory Group Policy to control security settings on Windows. The PowerShell execution policy is the one most company ITs would restrict.

IT Pros may need to do some testing in scripting. I have posted how to change PowerShell execution policy by PowerShell command.

Following is the step of how to get rid of the restriction. This is just for temporary use. You should revert it immediately after testing!!!

  1. Open Registry Editor.
  1. Go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftPowerShell1ShellIdsMicrosoft.PowerShell.
  2. Change the registry key ExecutionPolicy value to RemoteSigned.
  3. Open a new PowerShell prompt and run your script.

If you don’t want to change the registry key. You can paste the scripts into Windows PowerShell ISE and run all of the lines. Please note this option may throw error if you have relative paths in the script due to the temp script running under the same directory of Windows PowerShell ISE application.

How to run selection in Windows PowerShell ISE
How to run selection in Windows PowerShell ISE

Please refer to Microsoft document if you want to learn more about PowerShell execution policy.

How to Manage Windows Servers With Ansible on CentOS 8

Ansible is a popular automation tool for infrastructure configuration. It runs on the Linux system. CentOS is an ideal distribution to run Ansible for lab purposes. It is similar to the Red Hat Linux but free. And the latest major release is CentOS 8. It contains Python 3 by default. So the Ansible configuration is different from CentOS 7. I will focus on the configuration in the lab environment. The goal is to create a simple environment to manage Windows servers with Ansible.

Ansible Installation on CentOS 8

I used CentOS 8 mini installation. It has no extra software installed. The procedure below maybe a bit different from your environment if you installed other roles on the OS.

Ansible is a standalone application that not rely on databases. There are two files it mainly needed in a quick lab environment: Playbook and host files. You can install multiple Ansible servers. They can run independently to control the same group of Windows servers.

I would suggest you take a snapshot before moving forward if your Ansible will running on a virtual machine.

  1. Enable Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux for yum.
yum install epel-release
  1. Install Ansible
yum install ansible
  1. (Optional) Install pip for Python 3. This step is for Red Hat 8.
yum install python3-pip
  1. Install pywinrm. The pywinrm will be used to communicate to Windows servers via winrm.
pip3 install pywinrm
  1. Install dependencies for pywinrm to use Kerberos in order to authenticate to Active Directory.
yum install gcc python3-devel krb5-devel krb5-libs krb5-workstation
pip3 install pywinrm[kerberos]

Ansible installation is completed. The procedure is elementary level but I spent some time figuring it out. Especially the Kerberos and pywinrm parts. 🙂

Please go to pywinrm GitHub if you want to dig into it.

Ansible Configuration on CentOS 8

Configure Ansible

As I mentioned in the previous section. There are two main files: Playbook and host. A Playbook is a file consist of multiple tasks that will run on the target Windows servers. It’s not covered by this article. The host file stores variables, and target server FQDNs or IP addresses. Ansible gets the target servers’ information in the host file when you run a playbook.

The host file location is /etc/ansible/hosts. There are two sections in the file for lab purpose.

  1. Server group. You can have multiple groups. Group name is in [ ]. You can give FQDN or IP addresses of the target Windows servers. I recommend using FQDNs if your targets are domain member servers. My example uses server win2019test1.zhengwu.org.
  1. Variables of the target server group. Since this is for lab purpose. I’ll just list required variables in the /etc/ansible/hosts file. You need to use standalone variable files and avoid to input password if it’s for production. Following is a sample of the variable set for the windows group.
    • Variables are linked to a group by the variable name in the first line: [group name:vars].
    • The domain name should be uppercase in ansible_user. The reason is krb5 requires the uppercase domain name in the configuration file. We should match the name here. The domain name is not required if you use a local account.
    • ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation is optional. It only useful when ansible_winrm_scheme is ‘https‘.
    • ansible_port is ‘5985‘ when ansible_winrm_scheme is ‘http‘. Or ‘5986‘ when ansible_winrm_scheme is ‘https‘.
    • ansible_winrm_transport is ‘kerberos‘ in this example since the target Windows servers are domain members. It can be ‘ntlm‘ if you want to authenticate by local account. There are 5 authentication methods on Windows. Kerberos and NTLM are enabled by default. Please refer to Windows Remote Management for detail.

Configure Kerberos

Apart from Ansible configuration. We should configure Kerberos for domain authentication if the target Windows servers are joined a domain. My lab servers are joined domain ‘zhengwu.org‘. We have installed Kerberos components in the Ansible Installation on CentOS 8 section. So we just need to configure it. Edit Kerberos configuration file: /etc/krb5.conf.

  1. Change the default domain name. Make sure to remove # to uncomment the line. The domain name should be uppercase.
default_realm = ZHENGWU.ORG
  1. Uncomment all lines in the realms section. Please note domain name should be uppercase. The parameters kdc and admin_server are the same for the lab environment. The following is an example:

     kdc = DC.ZHENGWU.ORG
     admin_server = DC.ZHENGWU.ORG

Please refer to MIT Kerberos Documentation for the explanation.

Now Kerberos is configured. We have configured domain credentials in Ansible configuration file, specified Kerberos as the authentication method, and configured Kerberos for Active Directory. We just need to run the Windows ping module in Ansible to test the connection to target Windows servers. You should complete section Manage Windows servers with Ansible if the testing is failed.

ansible windows -m win_ping

You should see following output if authentication is successfully.

win2019test1.zhengwu.org | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Kerberos troubleshooting

You may see authentication problem when validating target Windows server connection by Ansible win_ping module. Here is simple steps to troubleshooting Kerberos authentication

  1. Try authenticate to target Windows servers by domain account on Ansible server. It can be any domain account.
kinit administrator@ZHENGWU.ORG
  1. List cached authentication data. You should see something similar below.
Ticket cache: KCM:0
Default principal: administrator@ZHENGWU.ORG
Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
06/26/2020 03:56:12  06/26/2020 13:56:12  krbtgt/ZHENGWU.ORG@ZHENGWU.ORG
        renew until 07/03/2020 03:56:09

Manage Windows servers with Ansible

The target Windows servers should be configured to accept the winrm connection. Ansible provides a PowerShell script to configure target Windows servers automatically. The script should not be used in a production environment according to Ansible stated in their document.

The configuration is super easy for production. Open a command prompt under the administrator permission and then run following command

winrm quickconfig


Manage Windows servers with Ansible is not so hard as long as the authentication is configured correctly. Ansible is not the only tool for automation. I’m a super fan of PowerShell. I have posted some articles for automation you may want to check. PowerShell and Ansible both are automation tools.

I think manage Windows server with Ansible is like outsourcing PowerShell scripting works to communities. You give inputs to the tasks then Ansible modules will execute pre-defined PowerShell scripts and feedbacks output. Ansible reduces the development time of Windows automation but it still has some disadvantages. Such as you have to run multiple tasks to enable Remote Desktop on target Windows servers which is just a single task in PowerShell DSC. So I think automation of infrastructure is a combination of tools like Swiss Army Muti-Tools, each one has an advantage. We have to use them together to achieve the final goal of automation.

Quick Note: Mouse Jumps Around in VMware Workstation

I just upgraded a testing machine to Windows 10 1909. And installed VMware Workstation 15 latest version on the testing machine. Somehow the mouse jumps around in VMware Workstation when the mouse pointer is grabbed by a VM. This is very annoying. I only observed this issue when run VMware Workstation in remote desktop session. I didn’t see the same issue when I run a VM on a local computer.

The reason is the testing machine has WDDM graphic driver installed. You can disable WDDM graphic driver in remote desktop session by modifying group policy.

  1. Open group policy editor by following command:
  1. Go to Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> All Settings
  2. Disable the setting: Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections.
Disable WDDM graphics display driver.
  1. Reconnect the remote desktop session.

Please refer to following VMware KB to understand more about WDDM.

WDDM and XPDM graphics driver support with ESX, ESXi, Workstation and Fusion (1016770)

It’s not clear why the WDDM driver caused the problem. I think the reason probably because WDDM gives benefit to use software and hardware acceleration both. Maybe my testing VM’s physical host doesn’t have hardware acceleration capability. But the mouse jumps around in VMware Workstation due to the driver switching between the acceleration capabilities.

I also posted few articles regarding mouse issue in virtualization environment for your reference.

Mouse Cursor Disappeared in Remote Desktop in mRemoteNG

VMware Remote Console Freeze or Black Screen

OneDrive Can’t Add Your Folder Right Now!

This post is nothing related to servers. I post that since I couldn’t find anything on the internet about this issue. This “OneDrive Can’t Add Your Folder” spent me quite a while to figure it out. I only found an article talks about IRM after I figured the issue out. So I think it’s maybe valuable to document that. I re-installed the testing machine by different OS versions several times. It’s just happened suddenly. My OneDrive cannot sync any files. I upgraded the client to the latest version but no luck.

The error message I got initially was:

We can’t sync your OneDrive – xxx

Following these steps to fix the problem:

1. Go to portal.microsoft.com/OneDrive, click the Settings icon in the top-right, then click “Site settings”.

2. Under “Site Administration”, click “Site libraries and lists”.

3. Click “Customise Documents”.

4. Click “Information Rights Management” and clear the checkbox.

Then I upgraded OneDrive client, re-installed office, re-installed OS, and enabled full permission to my O365 account on OneDrive folders. I also tracked my OneDrive posting data by a nice free tool Fiddler. There are error keywords related to “IRM” that don’t support in Fiddler when I connected OneDrive to my O365 account. Then I uninstalled OneDrive and installed latest version of it. Now I got following error message when sign in my O365 account in OneDrive.

Sorry, OneDrive can’t add your folder right now

Please contact support.

I eventually figured it out when I was troubleshooting other software issues. The reason is the “Information Rights Management” (IRM) feature was enabled on my O365 account. It restricts file synchronization on unauthorized computers when I log in to a computer with my domain account (it’s also the O365 account). I checked my computer domain account in “Active Directory Users and Computers“. I noticed that the “Managed By” of the computer was blank. The OneDrive issue resolved as soon as I set it to my domain account.
Here is a good article to explain what’s IRM and how it affects OneDrive.

[Quick Note] Failed to install pywinrm on CentOS 8

You may see error message “Running setup.py install for pykerberos … error” when install pywinrm on CentOS 8. The additional errors are “unable to execute 'gcc': No such file or directory” and “command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1“.

The reason because gcc dependence is missing on the machine. You need to run following command to install gcc then try install pywinrm again.

# yum install gcc

Balanced Memory Configuration for ESXi Servers


ESXi servers are fundamental infrastructure. The underly hardware performance has a butterfly effect on the upper layer virtual machines and applications. Since there is less than 10% performance overhead on the virtualization layer. So it’s valuable to get full performance on the hardware layer. Memory is a big player in hardware performance tuning. Balanced memory configuration is very important. I wrote an article “LRDIMM or RDIMM on ESXi hosts?” a long time ago. It was the understanding in 2016. I did some research recently. I hope the following study help with your hardware decisions. This study is based on Intel Xeon 2nd Generation Scalable Processors.

1. Basic Concepts

Before we talk about balanced memory and optimized memory. Let’s take a look at some basic concepts which will be used in the article.

1.1 Memory Channel

The memory channels control reading and writing bandwidth operations between the CPU and memory modules. Think about it like the lanes on a highway connect CPU and memory. There are 6 memory channels on Intel Xeon 2nd generation Scalable processors. This is different from Intel Xeon E7. E7 only has 4 memory channels. If you are an E7 user and transform to Scalable. You should notice that the balanced memory size on E7 doesn’t balance on Scalable processors.

1.2 DIMM

The full name of DIMM is Dual In-line Memory Module. It’s the small chip-set mounted on a printed circuit board. There are multiple DIMMs on the board. We usually call the whole stuff DIMM in life. DIMM should be installed on the DIMM slot on the server’s motherboard. Each memory channel has two DIMM slots for Intel Xeon 2nd Generation Scalable Processors.

1.3 DIMM Type

The major two types are RDIMM and LRDIMM. The main difference between the two types is that LRDIMM has a buffer in the DIMM. That means LRDIMM is slower than DIMM. LRDMM supports a larger size per DIMM. Such as 128 GB, or higher. RDIMM usually is 16 GB, 32 GB, or 64 GB.

1.4 Rank

It’s one set of memory chips that are accessed while writing to or reading from the memory. Small DIMM size needs maybe only a single rank. Larger DIMM size needs more ranks. Refer to this article to learn more about rank. Dual-rank is better performance than quad-rank according to hardware vendors.

1.5 Interleave

Memory interleaving allows a CPU to efficiently spread memory accesses across multiple DIMMs. All DIMMs should be in one interleaved set creating a single uniform memory region that is spread across as many DIMMs as possible. If there are different types of DIMM or size of DIMM, the memory subsystem interleaves multiple times to access data.

2. Balanced Memory

Memory balance refers to memory population rules on physical servers. There are 6 memory channels on an Intel Xeon 2nd Generation Scalable Processors. Each channel handles two DIMM slots. Enterprise users usually use dual processors for ESXi servers. So there are 24 DIMM slots totally in the server. Each processor handles 12 DIMM slots. The DIMM population should be in pairs and even numbers. For example. You have 12 DIMMs. 6 of 12 should be assigned to the first processor and the other 6 are assigned to the second processor’s DIMM slots. And the 6 DIMMs should be populated on the same slot on each processor. This is called a “balanced memory” population. The memory balance is also related to the NUMA balance for ESXi. The imbalanced memory population causes imbalanced NUMA nodes. This is very important in virtualization performance tuning.

DIMM size and type in the population also impact to memory balance. The DIMM type and size on both processors should be the same. Some customers may want to upgrade existing balanced memory to a higher capacity. The suggestion is to use the same type and size of DIMMs for the upgrading.

3. Memory Optimize

Balanced memory is easy. Hardware vendor’s pre-sales usually give a balanced memory configuration. But the trick is the balance doesn’t means optimized. Balanced but non-optimized server’s performance can be only 35% of the balanced and optimized servers according to Lenovo.

Fully populate the DIMM slots is the first rule. Each interleaving grabs data from all DIMM slots. Think about it like 24 lanes highway again. You can load more goods if you dispatch 24 trucks at the same time. One benefit of virtualization is hardware consolidation. We usually see high memory utilization on ESXi. So this is an important point to optimize ESXi performance.

Use the same type and size of DIMM. Do not mix different types or sizes of DIMM in the server. Since different types or size of DIMM means multiple interleaves. Use the same example. The trucks can only load one type of goods each time. If there are two types of goods. The trucks have to go twice even it’s half loaded.

Rank is another weight impact on performance. Dual-rank DIMM is the best performance. Quad-rank usually in big size DIMM. The performance is lower than dual-rank.

Different DIMM type also impacts performance. RDIMM is a better performance than LRDIMM. The reason because LRDIMM has a cache on DIMM to handle data I/O between processor and memory. It slows down the I/O.

The other things impact to ESXi performance are BIOS settings and power settings. These are out of scope of this post. Basically you need to set to high performance for BIOS and power to achieve best memory performance.

4. Reference

Lenovo: Balanced Memory Configurations with Second-Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors

Dell: How to Balance Memory on 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon™ Scalable Processors
Dell: Balanced Memory is Best: 2nd Generation AMD EPYC Processors for PowerEdge Servers

Cisco: Intel Xeon Scalable 2nd Generation Processor Recommendations for Cisco UCS M5 Servers (Login required)

HPE: Server Memory and Persistent Memory Population Rules for HPE Gen10 Servers With Intel Xeon Scalable Processors

VMware: A Performance Comparison of Hypervisors

MAC Address Conflict with ESXi vmkernel NIC on Cisco UCS Blades


I worked on a interesting case few month back. A ESXi blade was not able to bring up due to management IP address didn’t responding to ping. We tried to reconfigure IP address, re-acknowledge blade, rebuild the network, and even replaced the motherboard. It was no lucky. Eventually we figured it out that another ESXi host’s management network somehow configured same MAC address. It caused the MAC address conflict on network.

This guide will show you some tips of how to troubleshooting MAC address conflicts on ESXi and Cisco UCS level.

Some Reference

The first article you should read is “vmk0 management network MAC address is not updated when NIC card is replaced or vmkernel has duplicate MAC address”. It helps you understand why vmkernel MAC address is not updated. The solution in the KB is change MAC address manually on ESXi. Or re-create management network.

But the reality is we usually don’t know where the conflict comes from. We only know this Cisco UCS blade installed ESXi and it doesn’t responding to ping. So you may suspect it’s a hardware issue like me.

Check MAC address conflicts on Cisco UCS

There are some ways to check MAC address conflicts on Cisco UCS.

  • Login to UCS Manager by SSH and check MAC address status.
  • Export UCS Manager log and check MAC address conflicts in fwm_trace_log file.
# Login to UCS Manager
# Run following command to show mac address status.
show platform fwm info mac <mac address> <vlan id>

# Sample
show platform fwm info mac 0025.0050.11.11 141

Login to UCS Manager GUI to generate support log.

Admins -> AllFaults, Events and Audit -> Log -> TechSupport Files

Generate a ucsm log bundle. Download and extract it. There are two major files in the log bundle: UCSM_A_TechSupport.tar.gz and UCSM_B_TechSupport.tar.gz. The files correspond to their respective Fabric Interconnect.

MAC address conflicts usually occurred on one Fabric Interconnect. So you may need to check both of them. I use A side as sample. Go to extract folder -> UCSM_A_TechSupport -> sw_trace_logs -> fwm_trace_log.current

Search keyword “REGMAC seen on border port” in the log. You need to repeat same in the log of the other FI. If you can find the entries and time is recently. Then it indicate there is conflict on the MAC address outside the UCS domain.

There maybe other reasons can cause mac address issue. I wrote in Error: No NIC found with MAC address…

Quick Note: Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager Windows overfit High DPI Screen

4K screen is getting popular in recent years. You may see some challenge for legacy applications. Such as “Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection Manager”. It’s stopped developed since 2014. But it’s still a useful tool for server administrators.

You may see the windows overfits screen on 4K display. The fix is:

  1. Go to properties of “RDCMan.exe
  2. Compatibility” tab
  3. Change high DPI settings
  4. Uncheck “Override high DPI scaling behavior“.