• I worked on move RDM LUNs of Microsoft Cluster virtual machine from one iGroup to another. To make sure the moving safe, we should record RDM LUN information before migration. We had two VMs with almost 20 RDM LUNs, it’s pretty time consume to get the information manually, I used following script to retrieve information: $RMDinfo =…

  • Few weeks ago, I tried to standardize networking of a cluster, there were 4 VLANs for production virtual machines, I binded the VLANs on one virtual switch which had 4 physical vmnic. Then I created 4 port groups with different VLAN ID, but for some reason virtual machines unreachable via some vmnics. Network team verified port channel…

  • If you installed “HP ESXi 5.0 Complete Bundle Update 1.6” via Update Manager 5.0, you would be able to see storage and power sub-system shows warning on HP server, that’s because some parameters show NULL in updated HP SIM provider. Example: HPVC_SAController.Name=”vmwControllerHPSA1″,CreationClassName=”HPVC_SAController” CreationClassName = HPVC_SAController Name = vmwControllerHPSA1 PowerManagementCapabilities = (NULL) ResetCapability = (NULL) OtherDedicatedDescriptions…

  • When I read VMware documents, there is a cool feature Hardware Acceleration I found in storage book. That recall me an outage about one year ago, our NetApp filer was crashed due to motherboard problem, part of datastores was failed, we have to move virtual machine from the filer to other. We noticed the storage…

  • My SMVI backup job was crashed few days ago, the stupid application generated a lot of snapshots for virtual machine!!! It’s  hundred! I really don’t like to remove one by one! That’s what I used to clean up the snapshot. Get-VM | Get-Snapshot -Name smvi* | Remove-Snapshot I used wildcard smiv*, it means all snapshot that…

  • You probably see this rare problem: your storage team allocate new lun to esxi 5.0 host, lun is visible in add new storage screen, but invisible in extend datastore  screen. Add new storage screen: Increase datastore capacity:   That’s because the datastore, lun is connected to multiple esxi / esx host which have different version, please be…

  • You may see the keyword ALUA frequently if you read VMware storage documents, so what’s the ALUA exactly is? How it reflects in ESXi 5.0? What’s the advantage of ALUA? I certainly have the questions, you? First of all, ALUA is short word of “Asymmetric Logic Unit Access”, you probably already knowJ, ALUA is a…

  • vSphere client pop following error when I put some ESXi 5.0 host to maintenance mode. A general system error occurred. Invalid fault That message really no help for troubleshooting, I found a KB article in VMware website, but it’s not my case. My virtual machines is intact, I can change setting, remove from inventory or…

  • When I tried to apply my host profile to a ESXi 5.0 host, it’s show me “There is no valid reference host associated with the profile“. I was thinking it’s probably caused by answer file, but actually it’s due to reference host lost in host profile! I made simple question too complicate…:-)

  • The installer may prompt “Failed to established connection” after input SQL database information. Reason can be vary. If your SQL account password is correct, it maybe caused by SQL password policy. The three password policy is selected by default when you create SQL account. You could also find similiar error message in %TEMP%/vm-sso-javalib.log: [2013-01-11 10:54:33,640]ERROR 733[main] -…